Madison County Stroke Misdiagnosis Lawyer

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Madison County Stroke Misdiagnosis Lawyer

Madison County Stroke Misdiagnosis Attorney

When the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced, even for a short time, and the brain does not receive enough oxygen or nutrients, causing brain cells to die, this is called a stroke.

A stroke is a medical emergency that is lethal but has treatment if diagnosed on time. If you experienced a stroke misdiagnosis in Madison County, you may have legal options. Call an experienced lawyer to discuss your case.

Types of Strokes

There are two major types of strokes with different causes and effects on the body. The two types of strokes do not have the same methods of treatment.

Ischemic Strokes

Blocked or narrow arteries are the causes of ischemic strokes. These are, by far, the most common types of stroke. More than 80% of stroke cases are ischemic.

To treat ischemic stroke, doctors can administer a blood thinner or inject a tissue plasminogen activator (TPA). TPA dissolves clots in the bloodstream but must be injected within four and a half hours of the stroke symptoms starting. In emergency cases, TPA can be injected directly into the brain or artery.

Doctors can also use a catheter to locate and remove a blood clot. Doctors also use a catheter to perform angioplasty, a process where a tiny balloon stretches a narrowed artery, and a stent or mesh tube holds the artery’s shape. Using a catheter may be riskier, and further research is ongoing regarding its use.

Other methods to prevent ischemic stroke involve surgical procedures like carotid endarterectomy. A carotid endarterectomy involves cutting open the carotid artery and removing plaque that could cause blockages if it breaks off and travels to the brain.

Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhaging strokes can occur when blood leaks into the brain after a blood vessel breaks.

Hemorrhagic strokes are treated by lowering the pressure on the brain and controlling the bleeding. Doctors can prescribe drugs that can prevent sudden blood vessel constriction, prevent seizures, and reduce blood pressure in the brain.

Stroke Misdiagnosis

Strokes have a wide range of symptoms with varying severity that make them hard to diagnose. A report showed that about 13% of stroke cases do not get a stroke diagnosis in the emergency room even a month before their stroke. About 10% of these cases get treatment for headaches or dizziness.

Children often receive a misdiagnosis as they are atypical to the usual victims of strokes.

There are also human error reasons like; laboratory errors, failing to read test results correctly, consulting neurologists late, not having the patient history or not taking it into account, not performing a thorough medical exam, and not performing the correct tests.

The results of a misdiagnosis can be fatal, in the worst-case scenario, or life-altering. For many people, surviving a stroke will lead to therapy sessions to help them recover lost speech and physical ability. They may also be out of commission for an extended period, thereby losing their jobs.

Is Stroke Misdiagnosis Medical Malpractice?

Failure to diagnose a stroke can constitute a medical malpractice claim. The question will be whether the doctor or medical provider’s actions fell below the standard of care. Medical malpractice in Illinois occurs when an institution, doctor, or other healthcare professional fails to maintain an expected standard of care during treatment resulting in injury or death.

It falls on the plaintiff or their representative, commonly a medical malpractice attorney, to prove that the standard of care was not equal to what other professionals in a similar situation with a similar patient would provide.

To start a medical malpractice lawsuit, you must start the case within two years of the malpractice incident or from when the plaintiff first noticed or should have reasonably noticed the injury. You cannot file a medical malpractice lawsuit four years after the incident occurred under any circumstances.

Call a Madison County Attorney for a Stroke Misdiagnosis

If you suspect that you have a valid case, you should contact a medical malpractice lawyer immediately. A lawyer can guide you through the process of making your claim for a stroke misdiagnosis in Madison County. They can also increase your chances of getting compensation.

Practice Areas


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105 N.State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052

phone: (618) 498-0001

fax: 618-266-2845

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